Useful Links

Watauga County Government

The county does not provide trash pickup in Sorrento Skies, but instead maintains Convenience Centers for trash and recycling.  There are private contractors that will provide pickup.

Our residents 60 and over can enjoy the many activities at one of the county Senior Centers.

For problems with animals, contact Animal Control.

Watauga County Parks and Recreation provides many activities for all ages and maintains various facilities for use by county residents.  The County recreation center is located in Boone and has an indoor pool, tennis courts and an incredible playground for young children.

RoadsContact DOT for problems with Sorrento Drive or other state owned roads.


 Watauga County Schools  – Sorrento Skies’ children attend Blowing Rock Elementary for kindergarten through 8th grade and Watauga High School for 9th through 12th grades.  School Busses will pick up our children from stops along Sorrento Drive.  The busses will not travel on our private roads.

Appalachian State University is located in downtown Boone.  In addition to the various sporting events, there are many activities, including concerts and classes, that the community can attend.

Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute has a campus in Watauga County just west of Boone.


The main Watauga County Library is located in downtown Boone.  There are also libraries in Blowing Rock and Cove Creek.  The Library at ASU is also open to members of the community.

Our Area

Both Boone and Blowing Rock are worth exploring.  The many parks, including the Blue Ridge Parkway, provide unlimited opportunities for educational programs, hiking, boating and camping.  High Country Host is a good resource for activities in our area.

Be sure to check out the webcams for King Street in Boone and downtown Blowing Rock.

Local News

For area news and events go to Watauga Democrat, Go Blue Ridge, Mountain Times and Blowing Rocket.